Senior advisor on the Platform Circular Economy of the Americas and the ASDF. (United States)
Vice-President, Superior Council of Justice (Haiti)
Minister of Education (Guatemala)
Mayor Illustrious Municipality of Villa O'Higgins (Chile)
Magistrate Supreme Court (Spain)
Magistrate of the Supreme Court of Justice (Colombia)
Director of digital transformation for Microsoft learning. (U.S)
President and Scientific Director, Photosynthesis Research Center (Mexico)
Director of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability, UNILEVER - Middle Americas. (Colombia)
Director of Social Responsibility of ASAZGUA and Executive Director of FUNDAZÚCAR
Member of the House of Representatives of New Mexico. (U.S)
Magistrate of the Central American Court of Justice. (Nicaragua)
Winner of the RECLA 2013 award, International speaker (Colombia)
Indigenous Mixe, Youth Award. (Mexico)
Deputy Speaker (Vice President) of the Knesset (Israel)
General Director of the GEAP
Rector of the Camilo José Cela University of Madrid. (Spain)
Head of Sustainability at BAC Credomatic (Guatemala)
Rector of the Cancun Technological University (Mexico)
Director of the Camilo José Cela University Foundation (Spain)
Rector Magister University of Costa Rica
President of the African Court of Human and Peoples' Rights (Tanzania, Africa)
Member of the General Council of the Judiciary. Magistrate of the Supreme Court. (Spain)
President of the Congress of Guatemala
Director of the Scientific Research Team, HeartMath Institute (USA)
Business Administrator and Organizational Psychologist. (Mexico)
Vocal Magistrate X of the Supreme Court of Justice (Guatemala)
Director of Marketing Foundation Benemérita Autonomous University of Puebla BUAP. (Mexico)
Judge of the International Criminal Court (CPI)
Secretary General of the OAS
PhD in Nanotechnology. (Guatemala)
Head of the Section of support for lawyers within the Secretariat of the International Criminal Court (Spain)
Secretary for Hemispheric Affairs of the OAS. (CANADA)
Associate Vice President for Student Affairs at Texas State University
State Representative (Congressman) Massachusetts (USA)
Environmentalist Lawyer (Guatemala)
Senator of Bolivia
President of the International Criminal Lawyers Association (Spain)
President of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Republic of Guatemala
Representative of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues - Russian Federation
Ambassador of Israel in Guatemala
President of PARLATINO. (Panama) , Co-President of the European-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly - EUROLAT
Environmental and Health Engineer of the Lund University of Sweden. (Sweden - Colombia)
Deputy Minister of Economy. (Guatemala)
Systems Engineer (UNC, Colombia) Professional certification as Project Management Professional.
Danzante Nahuat Pipil representative of the spiritual group Tepectunal (El Salvador)
Nobel Prize 2007 (India)
Scientist, Cardiologist. Founder of Kardiozentrum (Bolivia)
"Minister-President of the First Environmental Court (Chile) "
Doctor in economics, winner of the National J. A. Artigas Award, President of MindValue, coaching for Senior Management. (Spain)
Former President of Ecuador
Psychotherapist specialist in Gestalt-individual and group therapy (Brazil)
Senator of the Republic of Colombia
Director of the Master of International Criminal Justice of the URV and the International Criminal College. (Spain)
Senator (Spain)
General Secretary of the BPI-ICB-CAPI (Spain)
Community and Corporate Program Director, Blue Zones (USA)
President of the Haitian Senate
Vice President of the Supreme Court of Justice of Costa Rica
Institute of Peace and Conflicts, University of Granada, (Spain)
President of the Health Commission of Haiti
Professor at the Ratzinger Law School of the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya, Israel.
Representative of the National Secretariat of Science and Technology SENACyT
Judge of the International Criminal Court. (Congo)
Mayor of San Pedro de La Laguna (Guatemala)
Supreme Judge of the Judicial Power. (Peru)
President of the National Court of Justice of the Republic (Ecuador)
Manager of Corporate Affairs and Public Relations and Regional Manager of Labor Relations & Social Compliance of Nestlé.
President of the Commission of Education, Science and Technology of the Congress. (Guatemala)
Vice Minister of Education in charge of the Vice Ministry of Design and Verification of Educational Quality (Guatemala)
Member of the House of Representatives of Texas. (U.S)
Ministry of economy (Guatemala)
President FUNVIVE and Director General of ECOVISION (Venezuela)
General Director of the Institute of Education in Values (Spain)
President of COPA. (Puerto Rico)
High Commissioner of the County of Texas (United States)
Leadership Expert, International Institute for Histadrut Leadership (Israel)