Volunteers of the GEAP stimulate the blood donation in Puebla and Veracruz Global Embassy of Activists for Peace

Volunteers of the GEAP stimulate the blood donation in Puebla and Veracruz


Through talks and blood donation marathons the work continues in the development of the voluntary and regular blood donation.

Voluntary activists of the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP) in Mexico, developed during the days 20, 21 and 22 awareness activities and blood donations in the states of Puebla and Veracruz, activities under the Integral Program “Life is in the Blood”.

The International Red Cross, for more than a century, has encouraged a culture of safe blood donation, just as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Pan-American Health Organization (PHO). This is why since 2013 the GEAP joined this international call, and during seven marathons they have worked to foment this culture.

For the accomplishment of this objective, the GEAP has two strategic components inside the mentioned above Program: the first one is the Communicational Educative Program PEC-VIDA; and the second one, the International Blood Donation Marathons.

Inside the first component, awareness talks to the community are developed, among other activities, like the one carried out in Teziutlán-Puebla, in 50 homes of the colony Lomas of Ayotzingo, with the purpose of teaching the benefits that donating blood has, abolish the myths and encourage the altruism. In this activity carried out on May 22nd, 15 activists participated.

On the same matter, such talks are being held continuously in different colonies, companies, and schools of the cities, to pick up voluntary blood donors and reach the highest benefit possible for those who required it.

Inside the second component, there are the marathons, which pretend to create awareness in society about the necessity of a change in the system of blood donation and promote a voluntary, regular and spontaneous blood donation culture.

The marathons are carried out hand in hand with the local blood banks, on this occasion it was present the Blood Transfusion State Center (CETS) of the state of Veracruz, executing two marathons during May 20 and 21 in the biggest city in the state: Veracruz.

In the collection, attended by Dr. Carolina Nolasco Oseguera, regional coordinator and officials of CETS, it was reached a total of 53 people that voluntarily came to donate their “sap of life”; from which 23 of them were effective, thus fulfilling the premise of a reliable and continuous supply of blood.