Works carried out in Latin America, Spain and United States

Works carried out in Latin America, Spain and United States

Work for the peace, progress, wellbeing and happiness of the human family, and the sustainability of Mother Earth, is the most important objective of the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace, which unites thousands of volunteers through initiatives, campaigns, programs and projects aimed at the different fields where the human being develops and interacts, within the framework of universal values and principles, Human Rights and the Rights of Mother Earth.

In this sense, every program and project has a line of action that focuses on education as a fundamental tool to sow a culture of peace and produce changes in each area of society where they are applied; education aimed at an integral formation, considering the trine constitution of the human being: soul or heart, spirit and body. Therefore, an integral and holistic education, aimed at each one of its components.

Apart from working on knowledge, we focus on doing. That is why promoting citizen participation is one of the most fundamental jobs: the formation of Activists for Peace, which assume a commitment with humanity to promote and defend human dignity, rights and fundamental liberties, as well as the protection and restoration of Mother Earth. 

The construction of peace is everyone’s job and the sum of wills with the same purpose is what generates enough strength to achieve the objectives raised to reach the peace and happiness of the human being and of the nations.



In April 2013, the awareness campaign and collection of blood, which revolves around a culture of voluntary, altruistic and habitual blood donation began to show results within the population of the different countries where the drives are held, especially in Latin America.

The simultaneous International Marathons and National Blood Drives of this vital liquid, apart from increasing the number of donors in each drive, began to move the heart and consciousness of the people, allowing the results to increase, achieve the stipulated goals for the project and contribute towards one of the main objectives of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), to reach 100% of voluntary, nonpaid blood donations.

Founded on the principle of love, solidarity, respect for human dignity, improvement of the quality of life, social justice, peace and integral happiness of the human being, the first International Marathon 1,915 people reached. Today, those same voices have been multiplied and this social intervention program has created awareness in more than 311, 000 volunteers that support this initiative as habitual donors. 

With the International Marathons and National Blood Drives carried out in Latin America, Spain and the United States, a total of 557, 008 effective units have been collected (total from April 2013 to June 2016); and the donations continue growing.

At the same time, trainings have begun to extend the action field to a family, educational, community and organizational level under the strategic component of the Communication Educational Program (PEC VIDA), and the promotion of the Framework Law for the Promotion of a Voluntary, Altruistic and Habitual Safe Blood Donation in different countries.

One of the objectives of this work is to contribute with other blood banks in each city and nation to maintain the inventories of blood safe and stocked; encouraging in children, youths and adults a culture of voluntary and habitual donation that benefits the entire human family.



With the objective of educating to prevent acts of intolerance, discrimination and every type of violation towards human rights, the Program Educating to Remember has presented its proposals based on an education whose pillars are founded on the teaching of Human Rights and universal values, before Congresses, Chancellery’s and Embassies in different countries of Latin America, which have found a special support in countries such as, Costa Rica, Mexico, Panama, Argentina and Paraguay when declared as a program of interest through official resolutions.

More than 863 educational forums have been held in institutions of every grade level (schools and universities) and in official government locations, which have reached 546,898 people in over 20 countries. 

With the purpose of rescuing and keeping alive the testimony of the survivors of the Holocaust, as an irrefutable proof of this tragic event that left universal lessons, 57 survivors of the Holocaust have been interviewed, whose stories are part of the historic memory of that time. Also, 64 commemorative plaques have been unveiled honoring them in 196 locations or places, in public, academic, cultural and diplomatic institutions, as a mechanism to transmit these teachings to present and future generations. 

Agreement with Secretariats and Ministers of Education have been signed, at a school level, within the Educational Program “Educating to Remember”. This is the case of Paraguay, where the training process of educators began under the subject of the Holocaust and other genocides, where around 1,100 people have been trained throughout four Congresses held with the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Paraguay. 



Higher Education Institutions in 9 Latin American countries have adopted an integral and holistic education to form future professionals.

Within the program of this strategic alliance in favor a quality Higher Education, 13 International Seminars have been held, whose topics form part of the contributions for the construction of the Chair for Peace, which is being promoted through this union of Higher Education Institutions. 

The ALIUP counts with 67 allied universities, among them AAPAUNAM (Asociación Autónoma del Personal Académico de la UNAM) – Federal District; Universidad Politécnica de Veracruz – Veracruz; Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez – Chihuahua; Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca – Oaxaca; Universidad Metropolitana de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología – UMECIT; Universidad Nacional de Asunción – UNA; Universidad Nacional del Este – UNE; Universidad Nihon Gakko​ – UNG; Universidad Santa Clara de Asís​; Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña – UNPHU de República Dominicana, ​Universidad Bicentenaria de Araguá​; Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez – UCSH ​de Chile; Fundación Universitaria Agraria de Colombia – UNIAGRARIA, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana de Medellín and Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia (sede Montería), de Colombia.



Working to achieve the proposed objectives, Justice for Peace has developed 73 Judicial Forums at a national level on topic concerning human rights, human dignity and the presumption of innocence, and at an international level, 3 Judicial Forums on the New Proposals for the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide that have been held in Colombia, Argentina and Mexico. 

These forums have gathered more than 16,000 participants, among them judges, prosecutors, magistrates, district attorneys, congressmen, peace consultants, defenders of human rights and military, judicial and civil authorities. 

The proposal of typifying the crime of ethnocide has been accepted in the corresponding instances in some countries. In Colombia, they have a commitment on behalf of the Congress of the Republic to work towards the typification of this crime as a constitutional modality of the crime of genocide. The law project has been designed and is working for the inclusion and recognition of other human groups that are excluded from this current typification that exists in the Rome Statute and the Declaration for the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. 



With environmental responsibility, Activists in the 20 countries where the GEAP has active representation, daily marathons are held in favor of the restoration of Mother Earth and educational training sessions among the students, with the purpose of promoting environmental values and the Rights of Mother Earth. 

More than 554,546 students have been educated in schools through conferences on the Rights of Mother Earth and her recognition as a living being, workshops on the 5R’s and environmental fairs, where the participants learn of the actions they must make to protect the different systems of the Earth.

A restoration of forests and reforestation campaign has been carried during the global celebration of ephemeris, planting 109,875 trees of different species, but most importantly, among the participants they have been able to create awareness in society on the protection of the environment.

International and regional encounters with the indigenous communities have been held in different countries of Latin America for the promotion and restoration of ancestral knowledge, who have been called upon as a fundamental part within this integral program, for their ancient knowledge on how to live harmoniously with nature. In this sense, 12 Encounters have been held with around 60 indigenous peoples, such as the Mapuches, Guaranis, Yanaconas, Wayuus, Embera-Katios, Boras, Tikunas, Los Tsachilas, Mayas, Nautas, Lacandobes, Totonacas, among others.

Also, the proposals for the recognition of ecocide as an international crime and the creation of the Inter American Court for the Protection of Mother Earth, were presented before regional blocks and are currently being analyzed by the Environmental and Sustainable Development Commission of the Latin American Parliament (PARLATINO).
