This November «Give the gift of love: donate blood»

This November «Give the gift of love: donate blood»


See invitation video

The 12th International Blood Donation Marathon will be held throughout the entire month of November, under the theme "Give the gift of love: donate blood". In Latin America, the United States and Spain, the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP) calls on citizens, communities, businesses, educational institutions and the government to promote the act of the love of a human being towards others: the voluntary donation of blood.

The motto of this occasion aims for people to view blood donation as an altruistic and solidary action with which they can show love towards others; in turn, eliminate existing myths and achieve a sporadic act which is only associated with emergencies.

The GEAP joins health centers and organizations to carry out the blood drives that will take place in different areas and establishments, which will supply the blood banks of hospitals and clinics in the cities where they are held. Through a virtual map that will be shared on social networks, people can locate the nearest places to give their donations.

Thousands of peace activists are already prepared to carry out educational sessions, awareness talks about blood donation, and at the same time, promote citizen participation in the marathon.

The goal of the GEAP is to exceed the 60,976 effective blood units achieved in the 11th Marathon, in the same way, culminating the year 2018 with the awareness and consciousness of 1% of the population in the countries where the institution is present.

This international movement is part of the Integral Blood Drive Program: Life is in the Blood, which is the result of the GEAP during the year and in the different work services, for the formation of a voluntary, altruistic and habitual culture of safe blood donation.

In this virtual map, you can see the places where the blood drives will take place and locate the closest drive in the town where you live so you can give your gift of love: