United States was present during the 4th International Blood Drive MarathonGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

United States was present during the 4th International Blood Drive Marathon

United States

Numerous cities joined the campaign “Life is in the Blood”.

United States was present during the 4th International Blood Drive Marathon

Eight cities in the United States were chosen by the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace to carry out the 4th International Blood Drive, “Life is in the Blood”, in coordination with the American Red Cross, Oklahoma Blood Institute, Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center, Carter Blood Care, South Texas Blood Tissue Center and United Blood Services. 525 effective blood units were obtained in this country.

In Washington D.C. the drives were carried out at the Baptist Church (IMMV) of Chevy Chase and at the University of Georgetown. The religious community, professors, students, employees and voluntary members of the educational center collected a total of 49 effective blood units.

In Texas, the Activists for Peace held multiple events, visiting medical centers, hospitals and churches of different beliefs, highlighting the universal values of unity, love for thy neighbor and citizen responsibility among the population of that state.

Austin and Dallas, Texas joined these blood drives collecting 178 effective blood units. El Paso and Huston, Texas, also participated in the churches, “CT CHURCH” and “LA VOZ DE DIOS EN EL DIA POSTRERO”. Oklahoma, Waco, San Antonio and Brownsville actively participated, contributing 157 effective blood units, highlighting the participation of Texas Southmost College (TSC), and the University of Texas at Brownsville (UTB).

The 574 effective blood units collected in the United States during the 4th International Blood Drive “Life is in the Blood”, were achieved thanks to a continuous work by the Activists for Peace in mass media and specific mail for the community. Raising awareness by personally handing out pamphlets continues to be the most common and effective method to achieve voluntary donors.