Tribute to voluntary donors stocks the Hospital del Niño of PanamaGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Tribute to voluntary donors stocks the Hospital del Niño of Panama


World Blood Donor Day

In the installations of the Law Faculty of the Latin University of Panama, the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP), paid tribute to every voluntary blood donors that save the lives of others through this altruist act.

With a blood drive that received dozens of students belonging to different faculties of this house of studies, they celebrated World Blood Donor Day. The effective units were taken to the Hospital del Niño.

This high studies institution has stood out for promoting a culture of voluntary, altruist and regular blood donation with the GEAP through the Integral Program: Life is in the Blood.

Reconocimiento de donación
GEAP delivers recognition for donating

Outstanding work

Throughout the activity, voluntary donors, health centers and governmental entities received a recognition from behalf of the GEAP for the solidarity they show every time they perform actions to help everyone who requires a blood transfusion.

Their active participation in the blood drives and marathons developed by the GEAP, made them worthy of a certificate for being part of the solution to the problem of blood shortage the institutions presents, among them:


The National Police of Panama

The Institutional Police Service (SPI)

Empresas Tova S.A

American football team Raptors

Voluntray donation culture

Meanwhile, the Hospital de Especialidades Pediátricas de la Caja del Seguro Social gave a recognition to the GEAP for encouraging a culture of blood donation in every area where society develops.

Likewise, the activists for peace gave a special certificate to the Hospital del Niño for opening their doors to proposals that seek to keep the lives of the children that need the sap of life.


access_time Wednesday, June 14, 2017