In Argentina it is promoted a culture for life Global Embassy of Activists for Peace

In Argentina it is promoted a culture for life


Join the voluntary, altruist and regular safe blood donation, be a hero!

With a tour through the cities of Argentina, the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP), in March 2016, made a call to the community, to join to the 7th International MarathonLife is in the Blood”.

Buenos Aires, Mendoza, Olavarria, Cordoba, San Martin and Resistencia were places where the peace Activists went to express unto the citizens the importance for society to be part of the people that donate the sap of life.

Join to a voluntary, altruist and regular safe blood donation culture, be a superhero! Was the slogan the volunteers of the GEAP used to draw the attention of the neighbors, passersby’s and tourists who were in the zone. 

The blood donation marathons started in the city of Mendoza 

On March 5, the marathons in the city of Mendoza started with the installation of an informative stand in Paseo Alameda, place where it was carried out El Carrusel de la Vendimia, a very popular national celebration visited by Argentinians and tourists.

The moment was right to invite people to participate in the blood donation marathon that was going to take place on March 7, along with the Centro Regional de Hemoterapia.

On March 12, 19 and 26, the informative stand was transferred to the Peatonal Sarmiento and Plaza Independencia. The presented themes were: the importance of being voluntary donors, the requisites of blood donation and the myths that don’t allow the citizens to give this important step. 

Taking advantage of spaces to encourage the blood donation culture 

The volunteers of the GEAP of Olavarria, Buenos Aires, met in the Plaza Central, to put posters in businesses, hospitals, clinics, schools and bus stations, with the purpose of promoting the blood donation marathon. 

The activity that was carried out on March 21 in the Salon Rivadavia, had the support of the Hemotherapy Service of the Hospital Municipal Dr. Héctor M. Cura and the media who spread the information.

On March 13, the GEAP received an information from Mrs. Andrea Heiss who is in charge of the Department of Culture to the “Craftsmen's fair” that was carried out on the Paseo Peatonal Centrico, where through brochures it was promoted the marathon of March 21. 

On March 20, the scenery was the traditional celebration: “La Fiesta de los Puentes Colgantes” activity that consists in artistic, recreational, literary and sporting proposals in the bridges: Golondrina, Sauce Criollo, Siriri and Ceibo, of Olavarria. 

The volunteers of the GEAP with clown costumes went to the bridges to make known to the citizens the importance of participating in the 7th International Marathon “Life is in the Blood”.

It arrived the 7th Marathon to Cordoba, Resistencia and San Martin

In the city of Cordoba, on March 12 and 14, the Activists for peace placed posters and gave brochures in the plaza of the neighborhood Villa el Libertador, on the Centro de Participacion Comunal (CPC) and stores in the zone. 

The habitants were invited for March 15 to the blood donation marathon that was carried out in the Hemocentro Municipal del Hospital Principe de Asturias. On March 20 in the Plaza San Martin, the volunteers of the GEAP invited the community to go to the 7th International Marathon “Life is in the Blood”.

Likewise, in Chaco on March 13 and 20, the Peatonal de Resistencia was the correct place to make aware in the people about the importance of being a voluntary blood donor. The work had the support of the Argentinian. 

On March 17, the citizens of San Martin, Buenos Aires were invited to participate in a blood donation marathon that was carried out in the Hospital Garraham. The activity was attended by people who responded to the call of the volunteers of the GEAP. 

It is necessary to encourage a voluntary and regular blood donation culture 

Many patients that require safe transfusions can’t access them on time, and in any moment every person can need it, both in rural or urban zones; it is because of this that the GEAP, through the Integral Program “Life is in the Blood”, seeks to encourage a voluntary, altruist and regular safe blood donation culture. 

The Global Ambassador for Peace, Dr. William Soto (2014) expressed:

«There must exist a conscience of a donation culture in the individual, as a permanent necessity and not just associated to emergencies or disasters. A culture of voluntary and regular donation must be the fundamental pillar of every health system».