Qualitative methodology: intelligence to maintain lifeGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Qualitative methodology: intelligence to maintain life

Science Session / Guatemala
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Spanish researcher and philosopher, Juan Antonio López Benedí, participated in the first thematic axis of the Session Science for the preservation of the life of Mother Earth and of the human being, with the presentation "Intelligent Heart: knowing, feeling and training science of the heart", in the framework of the Peace Integration Summit, CUMIPAZ Guatemala 2018.

López Benedí, who is also general director of the Institute of Education in Values, developed his intervention from a hermeneutic perspective by relating feelings or spirituality that comes from the heart, with dreams, which refer to qualitative methodology because it is a practice of dream actions.

Benedí explained:

"Dreams, that oneiric world, develops its own form of intelligence to organize and maintain life in our organism, from the same vital impulse that invented us, regardless of any spiritualist, religious, materialistic or atheist ideology."

 impulsos bioeléctricosBioelectrical impulses, the emotional creativity

For the researcher, creativity is a characteristic that gives a specific requirement to the animal and the mechanical. According to him, a link between creativity and the intelligence of the heart can be observed, a bridge that articulates feelings and emotions.

In this sense, Benedí affirms:

"The first thing human beings need is to begin by exercising their personal creativity by applying it to their immediate surroundings; stop frustrating and learn to be themselves, ourselves, without justifying their impotence neither to society, nor to authority, nor to family, nor to culture. The human being, the person, must be that: an integral person first and foremost. "


CUMIPAZ Peace Integration Summit