The GEAP delivers the Inter-American Environmental Charter to Nobel Rajendra PachauriGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

The GEAP delivers the Inter-American Environmental Charter to Nobel Rajendra Pachauri

CSR Session / Panama  |  Important
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The general director of the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (EMAP), Gabriela Lara, accompanied by Dr. Manuel Díaz and the Ambassador Julio César Pineda, met in the headquarters of the Parlatino with the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize winner, Rajendra Pachauri, with the objective to give her the Inter-American Environmental Charter.

Lara referred to the importance that the EMAP has given to the subject of the environment and its relationship with peace, and on the permanent concern of the ambassador for peace, William Soto Santiago, in the defense of the rights of Mother Earth.

For his part, Manuel Diaz informed Pachauri about the content of the document that in its first version was delivered to the Secretary General of the OAS, Luis Almagro, at CUMIPAZ 2016 in Paraguay.

Ambassador Julio César Pineda commented on the need for the continent to have a legal and diplomatic instrument by way of a treaty, and that it be subject to the signature and ratification of the States; he also indicated that this would complement the trilogy of Conventions because the Democratic Charter and the Inter-American Social Charter have already been signed and ratified.

Promotion in Universal Instances

Rajendra Pachauri promised to promote in the universal and regional instances the proposal of the GEAP. He also referred to the urgency of diplomatic and policy action and the commitment of governments and civil society in the field of ecology to mandatory standards, national rights and new international law.

In addition, Pachauri recalled that the European Union has and that in the third world legislation is more demanding because of the fragility of the ecosystems.

In addition, he said that beyond the Treaties and legal regulations is the ethically imperative to save the planet thinking about future generations with sustainable development.

Finally, Gabriela Lara thanked Rajendra Pachauri on behalf of CUMIPAZ and Dr. Soto for his active participation in the event and support for this document.

Rajendra Pachauri participated in CUMIPAZ 2017 - Panama, as a speaker in the Corporate Social Responsibility for Sustainable Development session.


CUMIPAZ Peace Integration Summit