Education in values is the foundation of the integral human beingGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Education in values is the foundation of the integral human being

Educational Session / Panama  |  Openning words

It is necessary to educate for peace based on respect for human dignity

William Soto, Executive President of Global Embassy of Activists for Peace officially began the Educational Session of the 3rd Peace Integration Summit, which takes place at the headquarters of the Parlatino in the Republic of Panama.

The Educational Session aims to follow the necessary processes towards the implementation and employment of the agreements and conclusions reached in the two previous versions, adding that education in values should bring to build a culture of peace.

Soto urged all the authorities to take the step of promoting in their universities the Chair for Peace and to incorporate in schools, a subject destined to promote the formation of transformational leaders based on values such as respect, solidarity and the defense of human rights.

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CUMIPAZ Peace Integration Summit