Academics from Brazil and Spain instruct on ethical leadershipGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Academics from Brazil and Spain instruct on ethical leadership

CSR Session / Panama  |  Openning session
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Peace, ecology, and inclusion in decision-making processes

Specialists in corporate management participate in the Peace Integration Summit, CUMIPAZ 2017 – Panama, in the Session of Corporate Social Responsibility for Sustainable Development. Academics focused on corporate ethical leadership.

The Vice-rector for Research and Teaching at the Catholic University of Valencia, Spain, Ginés Marco Perles, participated with the presentation: Ethical leadership for the generation of responsible plans for the construction of a greener, more inclusive and peaceful world.

For Marco, it is not easy to visualize leaders in the present; he indicates that there is a deficit in ethical leadership and part of the problem can be reflected in the interaction between politics, citizenship, and legal responsibility, the question is who challenges who:

"Political responsibility is absorbed by legal responsibility, therefore, we witness a permanent judicialization of public life and the ability to assume responsibility for the political agent who must know how to distinguish ... what is political and what is legal ".


Ginés Santiago Marco Perles
Vice-Rector for Research and Teaching at the Catholic University of Valencia - Spain

He also emphasizes post-truth, interests that people have, and emotions that arise after visualizing or listening to a certain theme, that is why, Marco says that the human being seeks something that pleases them, that satisfies them, that moves them.

For that reason, he emphasizes: "It is fundamental that there is an ethical climate that allows me to work and feel recognized for my work, and for that, those who make the decisions so that we all feel part of the organization."

Finally, Gines Marco states that the company is accountable to the civil society, not only the shareholders and suppliers but also to the environment, which is the most affected by the decisions that are made within the company.

Ethical responsibility

The session was also attended by Ciro Torres, founder of Social Balance, and professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In his presentation, he covered internal ethics in corporations.

"The starting point to talk about Corporate Social Responsibility is ethics, which is the umbrella that is above everything."


Ciro Torres
Professor at IAG - Business School PUC-Rio, Brazil

In his presentation, Torres explains that organizations no longer have to create or invent sustainability tools, there are entities for this, such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and Global Compact.

"Being ethical in a company, in an organization, is working with social and environmental responsibility, in addition to economic responsibility." Ciro pointed out that this practice can be achieved with a responsible eye.


CUMIPAZ Peace Integration Summit