Building the environmental peace of Mother Earth

This work area responds to the specific objectives:

  1. Establish mechanisms and actions of civil society for the preservation of the ecological balance of Mother Earth and its harmonious relationship with human beings.
  2. Support all efforts that are being made to curb climate change, through the participation and dissemination of all political, legal and civil actions for guidance in the mitigation and adaptation of human beings and Mother Earth to the consequences of climate change.

The awareness and consciousness of the environmental reality we are experiencing is achieved through education and formation of a culture for the environmental peace of Mother Earth; but without concrete plans for the participation of civil society, this effort vanishes.

For that reason, the purpose of this area of action is the formation, establishment and interrelation of the community, youths, businesses and inter-generational groups, who, united with the networks of Indigenous Peoples, other multilateral entities and non-governmental organizations, and universities, help to specify the areas of action of the International Program Children of Mother Earth, and consequently achieve environmental peace.